Table of Discontents
A periodically updated collection of links to each Getting Spooked series in more readable order
Alien Abduction and Racial Anxiety: Barney and Betty Hill Reexamined
Part 1: Introduction / Screen Memories
Part 2: Peace from Venus / Cosmic Transmissions
Part 3: ETs on TV / Repressed Memories
The Bosco in Brazil
Part 1: The Villas-Boas affair, MILABS-mania, and Induced Abduction Experience
Part 2: The Scoriton Affair, Paul Bennewitz, and Targeted Individuals of the Cosmic Variety
Part 3: More UFO Psyops, the CIA, the School of Living, and Proposals Galore
Part 4: Certainly Not EPCOT, the Finders, and Uneasy Speculations
Part 5: Op-eds, Clarence J. Gamble, and Other Odds & Ends
Part 6: A Conversation with Rich Reynolds + More Odds and Sods
Part 7: Recap, the Institute for Policy Studies, and More Modest Proposals
Part 8: Bosco Nedelcovic, the General, and the Vampires
Part 8.5: Born in Belgrade b/w Julius Evola Gets Upset
Part 9: A Conversation with Mickey and Ines Nedelcovic
Christopher Bledsoe and the UFO Cult of Intelligence
Part 2: The JSOC Next Door / The Religious Scholar Who Came to Dinner
Part 3: The Men from NASA (Hal Povenmire & Timothy Taylor) Befriend Chris Bledsoe
Part 4: The Transmigration of Timothy Taylor / The Divine Invasion of Chris Bledsoe
Part 5: Forty Yards to the Burning Bush / A Shuttle Darkly
Part 6: American Cosmic Revisited / The Ballad of Tyler D.
Part 8: To the Stars Inc., Tom DeLonge, Jim Semivan, a Murky CIA History, and More Kayfabe
Forbidden Science Dispatches
Dispatch #1: Jacques Vallée Meets Barney and Betty Hill, 1967 / The ET Scholars from IBM
Dispatch #2: Dr. Olavo T. Fontes and Paranoia in Brazilian UFO Research
Dispatch #3: Satanism, Saucers, and Nazi Rocket Scientists: The Colorful Cast of Characters in Jacques Vallée's Forbidden Science 2
Dispatch #5: Keith Harary, SRI, Jonestown, and the Murder of Al and Jeannie Mills
Dispatch #6: Lt. Col. Thaddeus P. Floryan, an Obscure Peruvian Contactee, and the “Teaching Machine"
It’s Always Sunny in Gulf Breeze, Florida
Part 1: The Gang Goes AWOL (A Gulf Breeze Six Primer)
Part 2: Ed Walters (Possible Antichrist) Photographs a UFO & Battles Its Crew
Part 3: Lyn Buchanan's Psychic EMP / Vance Davis Meets a Major Alien Babe Through Self-Mind Control
Part 4: The Gang Contacts Spirits Through a Ouija Board
Part 5: The Group Gains Members and Receives Further Prophecy
Part 6: The Gang Sees the End Times Coming / The Gang Goes Stateside
Part 7: The Gang Hits the Beach / Vance and Ken Fall in Love
Part 8: The Gang Gets Busted / The Gang in Captivity
Part 9: The Gang Gets Discharged / Free the Gulf Breeze Six
Part 10: Vance Davis Goes on a Press Tour & Meets Sean David Morton
Part 11: Vance Davis Coast to Coast / Richard C. Hoagland's NSA Source
Part 11.5: Addendum / Vance Davis' New Age Networking
Part 12: Final Thoughts on the Gulf Breeze Six and their AWOL Adventure [Delusion / Operation]
Part 13: Final Thoughts on the Gulf Breeze Six and their AWOL Adventure [Operation / Delusion]
Manifest(uf)os & State of the U(fo)nion Addresses
Manifest(uf)o: Thoughts on the Perpetual UFO Psyop/Scam
Manifest(uf)o II: The Deficiency in Skepticism and Continued Thoughts on the State of Ufology
Reader Requests
Reader Requests #2: Return to Wendelle C. Stevens, the Huckster, the Pedophile, and the Fascist
Reading Lists
Reading List #1: Some Bookshelf Recommendations for the Non-Hardened Cynic
Reading List #2: Four Parapolitical or Paranormal Books for Suspicious Minds
Reading List #3: Four Books to Remind Readers That I Still Possess a Sense of Childlike Wonder
Review: Martin Cannon’s The Child Stealers (2022)
Review: Uga Carlini's Beyond the Light Barrier (2023)
Review: D.W. Pasulka’s Encounters: Experiences with Nonhuman Intelligences (2023)
April 2023: Plans, Promotions, and a Little Bigfoot Tale
St. Peter at the Sonic Drive-In
Part 1: Sudden Disappearances and a UFO Cult in Small Town America
Part 2: Clues Uncovered, the “Strange Faith” in Russell, and Possible Human Deception
Part 3: License Revoked, Believers Found, and the Man at the Pentagon
Part 4: Prophecy Fails, the Aftermath, and Vague Conclusions
Still Sunny: Continued Investigations into the Gulf Breeze Six
Gulf Breeze UFO Redux: Leah Haley, Alien Abduction, and Space Spooks Coast to Coast
Part 1: Ken Beason, Dreams, Nightmares, Paranoia, and Science Fiction
Part 2: Ken Beason, The Incarnate, and Echoes of Past Apocalypses
Part 3: Ed Walters and the Intricacies of the Gulf Breeze UFO Crowd
That Charming Man: Indrid Cold Reconsidered
Part 1: Woodrow Derenberger, Indrid Cold, and the Possibility of Covert Operations in West Virginia
Part 2: Tad Jones, the Sphere, the Threats, and Astronaut Boot Prints
Part 3: Union Carbide, the Air Force, NASA, and NICAP—Oh My!
Part 4: Human Affairs in Intergalactic Contact / The Shrink Meets a Spaceman
Part 5: Leon Davidson, Believing Adamski, and How to Manipulate a Contactee
Part 6: Contactees in Cars Getting Reconnaissance and Other (Extra) Terrestrial Adventures
Part 7: Getting Spooked in the Land of Mothman and Indrid Cold
Part 8: Harold W. Hubbard, Thomas Monteleone, and Other Lanuloose Ends
Part 9: Against the Urban Legend-ification of Indrid Cold, the Grinning Man
One-Off Explorations by Date
Countdown to the Apocalypse: Tim McVeigh, The X-Files, Bill Cooper, and That Darn Doty (12/29/2022)
Fred Lee Crisman Fights the Deros: Propagation of Paranormal Myth in the Era of Shaver (3/25/2023)
Holes, Caverns, and Hell Itself: Mark Z. Danielewski’s House of Leaves as Urban Legend (6/5/2024)
Close Encounters with the Far-Right in Paranormal Spaces: Jason Reza Jorjani’s Closer Encounters, Speculative Sources, Alt-Right Sensibilities, & Intelligence Vulnerabilities (7/16/2024)
Ad Astra per Aspera: Kansas History as Seen through Roadside Historical Markers (1/15/2025)
Guest Articles
Paid Subscriber Q&A Thread
The Getting Spooked Podcast
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very convenient, thank you!
This is solid gold!
You write like I think I write. (but dont)