Amazing interview. Will you ever post a transcript or recording? I think it's truly strange the way Ines said “the one thing that did not stand out” were those “about UFOs.”" An incredibly specific denial. Why do you think she put it that way?

The other thing I wanted to say is this: Bosco said he was on the flight that messed with Villas-Boas, right? Presumably as a translator, should the need arise. He must have been a witting participant in something that he knew was wrong. Did Ines or Mickey have any thoughts on why he might have willingly played along with such schemes?

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I'll give cleaning up the transcript and posting it some thought, I think it definitely give remarkable insight into Bosco's personality. For your second question, Ines was directly responding to my question "did Bosco ever talk about ufos?" and she could not think of any specific time even though they talked about some pretty deep stuff e.g. the environment, the economy, etc. They always had interesting conversations at the dinner table, so to speak. So it seems like it definitely was not a major interest in his life.

Mickey and Ines both seemed fairly blindsided by the knowledge that Bosco played a role in South American abductions back when they were first told in the early 2000s. Ines mentioned that Bosco had a fairly strong "northern star" and I have come to believe his proposals were genuine, not an infiltration tactic. If anything, I think his struggle in getting his proposals off the ground may have been the catalyst for him "blowing the whistle" on these UFO operations that he maybe knew were incompatible with his value system circa 1978. (Recall that Rich Reynolds thought that B.N. seemed dissatisfied at his job.) But again, I am doing a lot of speculating. There were undoubtedly things going on in the background that neither Mickey nor Ines were privy to. I think the tension between the operations Bosco may have been a part of and the good-willed environmentalist projects that he pursued is perhaps the most interesting but difficult to parse element of this story.

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Can't help but agree with you there.

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