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Really enjoying these articles! I happen to be reading Vallee’s Passport to Magonia right now and a case mentioned in the book jumped out at me after reading these articles. It was a sighting on Sep 30, 1954 in France by a man named Georges Gatay. It has some similarities to the Vilas-Boas case like him feeling a “peculiar drowsiness” and becoming confused. seeing a figure “dressed like a diver” and seeming very low-fi. The UFO was a shining dome hovering above the ground with rotating wings or blades above it, flying in a jerky manner and makes a loud whistling noise, seems like a helicopter to me. Gatay also suffered from insomnia, strong headaches, and loss of appetite afterwards. While not super extreme, there seemed to be a few similarities that I thought were worth mentioning. Apologies for the very long comment, excited to read further articles.

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