Let’s Have Some Levity, Shall We? The Funny, Cheerful, Poetic, and Idiosyncratic within Jacques Vallée’s Diaries
Excellent summary of Vallee..
This substack as well as the writings of Jack Brewer should be required reading by Ufology fans.
Sadly, we both know this will never happen...
I think it's fascinating that the majority of ufologists are not actually interested in the core phenomena, which is plasma like light forms.
They are obsessed with hoaxes and rumours.
I have been down these rabbit holes since the early 1990`s from Australia.
Each year I say "there is no way Ufology could get any worse" and each year proves I am wrong...
Modern ufologists think edgy thinking = "Govt knows..disclosure is coming..they have crashed saucers"...
A nihilistic aerial rorschach test..based (sometimes)on anomalous lights..that ultimately leads..nowhere. :)
Excellent summary of Vallee..
This substack as well as the writings of Jack Brewer should be required reading by Ufology fans.
Sadly, we both know this will never happen...
I think it's fascinating that the majority of ufologists are not actually interested in the core phenomena, which is plasma like light forms.
They are obsessed with hoaxes and rumours.
I have been down these rabbit holes since the early 1990`s from Australia.
Each year I say "there is no way Ufology could get any worse" and each year proves I am wrong...
Modern ufologists think edgy thinking = "Govt knows..disclosure is coming..they have crashed saucers"...
A nihilistic aerial rorschach test..based (sometimes)on anomalous lights..that ultimately leads..nowhere. :)